
martes, 7 de junio de 2011

Resumen de los Textos


In recent years technological, advances have made some films to replace actors in the flesh for animatronics and computer generated real actors featured in this genre are still a realistic element that should be usually have a formidable physical and between denote recent years, some as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis or Sylvestre Stallone in the United States, Jean Claude Van Damme, Jason Statham Jean Reno or from Europe, and Chow Yunfat, Jet Li Chan o Jackie Asia. The action film is a film genre in which the spectacular raw images using specialeffects, leaving aside any other consideration.
The most common are an action movie chases (on foot or invehicles, shootings, figths, explosions, robberies and assaults.


The action film is based on a wed of intrigue, shooting, guns, and many fights and deaths and the players always seem to bemuscular and tough. Actors such as Bruce Willis is the star of the movie Die Hard that critics say is the best action film ever. In this genre there is always life and death fights. There is also action films and comedy rather than as seen in this film. In the action genre's protagonists are usually masters of martial arts or professional wrestlers. In these film there are always scenes witha lot of adrenaline and dangerous to perform. In this genre there is always a villain that fights the main character in this film Such Jocker. Some action movies the protagonist is a woman attractive and sensual. Some action movies are nor only shooting but also high-speed car. The action film is a film genre in which the spectacular raw images using special effects, leaving aside anyother consideration.
The most common are an action movie chases (on foot or invehicles), shootings, fights, explosions, robberies and assaults.

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Rápido y Furioso 5 - Trailer Subtitulado Español [FULL HD]

Starting point

This project we're doing in the area of English and this blog, and theteacher which is what gives direction to the project being carried out.

Everything is through the internet, or know what we know, all thattells us profesoy, indications, so we can make the project.

In order to have this project is to increase the knowledge we haveon the subject, to have more thorough knowledge, to increase theinterest in this, also make English class becomes a much more dynamic.

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Specific objectives of the project

General Mission: 
-Show that the action has to do with our life but also sometimes, we go from reality to fiction.

Specific Objectives:
- See that action movies can learn too, as they show us our reality.
- Watch movies that are to our liking to better understand thesituation that befalls us.
- Reflect on and see these films although often in much fiction alsoleave us lessons.

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Duro de Matar 4


¿ What is Hollywood ?

Hollywood is a district of Los Angeles. His name is associated withthe headquarters of the American film industry.
Besides being a suburb of Los Angeles, Hollywood defined the term generically to the industry of film and television rooted inSouthern California.
In early 1900, film production companies in New York and NewJersey started moving to California because of the monopolyestablished by Edison in the U.S. and also for its many sunny daysduring the year because the days were also longer . Although there was electricity, film studies relied on natural lighting to film
The first study in the Hollywood area founded in 1911. During thesame year another 15 studies were established there, principally bythe good weather which facilitated on location. This was because many studies began to stop paying the fee abusive Edison (whoheld the patent as the inventor of film theory), which could throw them in serious legal trouble. Since then, the district of Hollywoodhas evolved to become the Mecca of cinema throughout the Western world. However, some time ago that the studies weremoved to the suburbs of Los Angeles, because the growth of thecity significantly increased the land value studies and preferred to sell their large land and settle in more distant locations. Hollywood isnow more of a nostalgic brand a reality (mapping) in the world of cinema.

¿Who have won Oscars?

Leonardo Dicaprio
James Cameron
Will Smith
Sylvester Stallone
Jackie Chan
Mel Gibson
Tom Cruise
Russell Crowe
Matt Damon

Managing Directors Action